
The weather was super sunny on Sunday as the Holiday Court guests gathered in mid afternoon for games, food, a little drinking, and lots of dramatic emotional football.

First on the agenda was bingo by the bay.  Beautiful scenery and a variety of appetizers set the tone for the day.


After bingo there was time for chatting and supper grilled by Nick, our chef for the day.  Some of us had a little more than our share but there was plenty for all.


At last its time for the big event . . . the Super Bowl.   Some of the party people have little interest in the game and the crowds thin out at kickoff. That leave plenty of good seats for true fans for the game in front of either of the two tv’s set up.


As we all know by now, the Super Patriots again are the champions after close dramatic contest which was truly emotionally draining.

No time to relax.   Tuesday night is the next cookout with entertainment by Smokin Bill.